Valtis Everdark
"To create the perfect power source, that is my life's work..."

Race | Aura (Xeala) |
Gender | Male, He/Him |
Age | 41 |
Height | 8'0'' |
Job | Aetherologist |
Aka | The Mad Aetherologist |
Nature | Hyperfixated, Crazed, Intelligent |
Affinities | - |
Features | Stark white hair with a black patch in the front, hanging infront of the left side of his face. Large horns curve upwards, all scales shining with a presine black sheen. |
Notes | His white eyes are always watching and taking notes of other's movements. |
Likes | Results, a new subject to experiment on, traveling to scavenge for unwanted bodies full of aether to collect. |
Dislikes | His subjects failing their experiments, people poking their nose in his business. |
Theme | TBA |
Valtis Everdark, a once-prominent aetherologist in Sharlayan, was known for his groundbreaking research into aether manipulation. Obsessed with unlocking the full potential of aether inside a living host (the human battery), Valtis's experiments grew increasingly dangerous and unethical, leading to his exile from Sharlayan. Embittered by his expulsion, he wandered Eorzea, delving into more and more dangerous ideology of occult practices, eventually becoming a formidable dark mage.
Animal | Panther |
Flower | Deadly Nightshade |
Element | Lightning |
Colour | Black |
Instrument | Waterphone |
Time | Midnight |
"Escape, become one with nature..."

Race | Aura (Raen) |
Gender | Male, He/Him |
Age | 43 |
Height | 7'11'' |
Job | Healer and Botanist |
Aka | - |
Nature | Soft, Caring, Willing to help |
Affinities | Fang |
Features | Butt length bright orange hair, usually worn up in a ponytail and fashioned neatly |
Notes | Willing to go through pain himself to help others and heal them. |
Likes | Healing, taking care of plants, nurturing his garden, creating natural remedies. |
Dislikes | Violence, being told he can't help, seeing people destroying nature. |
Theme | TBA |
Kato's story is one of reincarnation. A warrior in his past life, the blood that he spilled soaking the very ground of their people. On the battlefield, two lovers made a vow that would bring their souls together one way or another in the next life. It was a force so strong, that eventually... they did. Kato found the echo of his previous lover, Fang. While Fang had still clung onto memories of his life, Kato had no recalection of who he was.
Animal | Brown Bear |
Flower | Wild Flowers |
Element | Earth |
Colour | Burnt Orange |
Instrument | Guitar |
Time | Morning |
Maddox Vota
"The gods hear your every whisper, be careful what you say..."

Race | Miqote |
Gender | Male, He/Him |
Age | 28 |
Height | 5'4'' |
Job | Leader of the Church of Halone (Cult) |
Aka | Cardinal Maddox |
Nature | Charming, Polite, Professional |
Affinities | Five |
Features | Striking tiger stripes across the expanse of his body, including his face. A large fluffy tail that would likely drag on the floor, if he did not keep it from doing so. |
Notes | Always seen in public with a guard to his side, especially after his father's death. |
Likes | A warm fire, helping people, doing what is best for those he cares about. |
Dislikes | Following orders of a faceless cult, but also being distracted from his duties. |
Theme | TBA |
Maddox's father was a high ranking official in the churches of ishgard, his family being raised to the status of significant wealth due to this, not only for all the money given by the church but also from money given to the family from political sponsors who bribe the family to push whatever narrative is given to them. The boy was in the church from a young age, working in the choir where nothing bad happened, and grew up to start following in the footsteps of his father. He doesn’t see the corruption at its fullest yet but he has absolutely been swayed by the perfumed words of lies his father told him. Now with his father dead and gone, it’s a constant struggle of moral goals and what is better for the Church, no matter how corrupt.
Animal | Snow Tiger |
Flower | Lavender |
Element | Ice |
Colour | Light Purple |
Instrument | Pipe Organ |
Time | Dusk |
Khuyag Buduga
"I will fly free, it's my destiny...!"

Race | Aura (Xeala) |
Gender | Male, He/Him |
Age | 30 |
Height | 7'10'' |
Job | Future Leader of the Buduga Tribe |
Aka | The Yol Rider |
Nature | Charismatic, Easy-Going, Reckless |
Affinities | Sarnai |
Features | This xeala can be found with a few distinct features, firstly is his broken horn on the left side. Secondly is the bright green warpaint and feathers adorning him. |
Notes | Will likely only stay somewhere long enough to get out of the required interaction and to go find Sarnai. |
Likes | Sarnai, his yol, the Steppe, flying, getting his way, getting away from his duties. |
Dislikes | Working or training towards being the tribe leader, being away from Sarnai, being told no by people. |
Theme | TBA |
Out of all of the idiots they could have picked from, Khuyag was the one that they decided to settle on in becoming the next great leader of the Buduga tribe. Unfortunately, the news didnt settle well with the man, immediately starting to think about how to get out of this. With the qualities of a leader, he really was a perfect fit. You would be hard pressed to find him near his tribe though, always flying overhead, feeling the rush of leaping from his yol. Now he is content spending his days with a childhood best friend, making the most of the time he has left before his duties finally catch up with him.
Animal | Falcon |
Flower | Sunflower |
Element | Earth |
Colour | Forest Green |
Instrument | Morin Khuur |
Time | Dawn |
Mikoto Unami
"For the ones with no voices..."

Race | Aura (Xeala) |
Gender | Male, He/Him |
Age | 31 |
Height | 7'4'' |
Job | Stay at home husband and culinarian (Present), Dragoon (Former) |
Aka | The Crimson Dragoon |
Nature | Quiet, stoic, protective, quick to anger. |
Affinities | Felis Unami , Jin, Izumi |
Features | Burn mark over the left side of face. Intricate black tattoos that cover much of torso. Freckles that speckle the skin. |
Notes | Extremely protective of dragons and any sort of animal/creature. Is most comfortable in the cold of Coerthas. |
Likes | Cold weather, his husband, small lizards, cooking, dragons, fighting with lance/polearm weapons. |
Dislikes | Being touched by stranger, women (they terrify him), having to read/write anything. |
Theme | TBA |
Mikoto is a loving husband that has no problem expressing the passion and devotion to Felis. The majority of his personality outside of the home is rather stoic and quiet, not really talking unless he is spoken to. If there were ever a situation that made the xeala get upset, the mere visage of the viera he loves would calm him down. Though he is quick to rise to anger over things he believes strongly in/against, it is rare to see him come to that level of aggression, especially in a public setting. However most of the time he can be found fumbling around the kitchen, trying to cook more bread rolls for his husband while attempting not to step on one of their four cats or seven dodos.
Animal | Lizard |
Flower | Moonflower |
Element | Ice |
Colour | Ice Blue |
Instrument | Flute |
Time | Dawn |
Daisuke Takahiro
"You're about to swallow your teeth..."

Race | Aura (Raen) |
Gender | Male, He/Him |
Age | 32 |
Height | 8'2'' |
Job | Hitman, Bodyguard, Guard Dog. |
Aka | The Golden Death, Dog |
Nature | Violent, angry, aggressive, hostile. |
Affinities | Jin , Khalji, Hajime |
Features | Bright glowing golden eyes. Tall stature, towering over most civilians. |
Notes | Immediate hostility, will always assume the worst and is on alert at all times. |
Likes | Alcohol, drugs, pit fighting, spilling blood, watching the life drain from someone's eyes, Jin. |
Dislikes | Being spoken to, having to go without his 'fix' for more than a day, being told what to do, hearing people cry. |
Theme | TBA |
Assassin and brute for hire. This feral fighter find pleasure in making those weaker than him bleed and scream for mercy. He once was a gentle soul but was coerced into taking a drug that made him lose his mind, losing his lover because of it.
Animal | Rottweiler |
Flower | White Lily |
Element | Electricity |
Colour | Gold |
Instrument | Taiko Drum |
Time | Morning |
Azamald Blackthorne
"Let us continue in my office..."

Race | Aura (Xeala) |
Gender | Male, He/Him |
Age | 42 |
Height | 8'4'' |
Job | CEO of Blackthorne Industry |
Aka | The Ripper of Ul'Dah |
Nature | Professional, gentlemanly, Intelligent |
Affinities | Lucky , Eden , Verali / Cinna, Ashwin , The Spiders |
Features | Tall stature, towering over most. Long obsidian black hair. Pale white skin. |
Notes | Always wearing gloves, will not feed into flirtatious behavior, very protective. |
Likes | His husband, wine, a good meal, the landscape of Ul'dah, gardening. |
Dislikes | Being disappointed, people breaking his belongings, hostility, police/guards poking their noses where they do not belong. |
Theme | TBA |
This man appears to be cold, and concise, but still a gentleman as much as one can be. He doesn't take to liking very many people and would much rather dip into the cold embrace of the shadows than to find himself in a crowd. Lucky enough to find this xeala while he isn't hunting? If you are not careful you may find yourself being his next prey.
Animal | Crocodile |
Flower | Black Dahlia |
Element | Fire |
Colour | Black |
Instrument | Piano |
Time | Dusk |
Szael Blackthorne
"You're smart to fear the shadows..."

Race | Miqo'te (Seeker) |
Gender | Male, He/Him |
Age | 30 |
Height | 5'2'' |
Job | Leader of 'The Spiders' |
Aka | Black Widow |
Nature | Silent, observant, methotical |
Affinities | Azamald , Nikolei , Lucky , Eden , Verali / Cinna, Ashwin , The Spiders |
Features | Short, choppy obsidian black hair. Striking crimson eyes, with long black lashes. |
Notes | Covers at least 90% of his body at all times. Twin crimson daggers will always be on his hips. Will not speak with mask up. |
Likes | Gathering intel, a good fighting match, listening to conversations, juice. |
Dislikes | Loud people, taking off his mask, being called 'kitten', people getting too close. |
Theme | TBA |
If one needs information gathered, a target taken out, or a discrete message delivered there would be no better option then to call upon 'The Spiders' of Blackthorne Industry. These highly trained assassin spies will not disappoint. Where one shadow begins, the web of spiders is sure to be near. This 'Black Widow' is the leader of such group, taking direct orders from Azamald Blackthorne himself.
Animal | Spider |
Flower | Spider Lily |
Element | Fire |
Colour | Crimson |
Instrument | Violin |
Time | Midnight |
Khalji Qalli
"A Qalli is not only good with their voice..."

Race | Aura (Xeala) |
Gender | Male, He/Him |
Age | 31 |
Height | 7'2'' |
Job | Dancer at a Lounge |
Aka | The Dancing Qalli |
Nature | Flirtatious, happy, physically close |
Affinities | Jin, Felis |
Features | Broken scales on the front of his throat, four horns, a longer than normal tail. |
Notes | Has very little sense of personal space and will touch without asking (if on the job). |
Likes | Dancing, drinking, partying, meeting new people, traveling. |
Dislikes | People asking him to sing / asking about his accident, being rejected, being alone for longer than a day. |
Theme | TBA |
His tribe communicate emotions through song, attaching a melody to their words to further add feeling to the meaning. He doesnt quite fit into this tribal tradition though, finding it easier to speak through body language as he can not sing. So, he dances. Now Khalji works as a dancer at a popular lounge to make extra money and also feed his need for physical attention.
Animal | Finch |
Flower | Dandelion |
Element | Water |
Colour | Sunset Yellow |
Instrument | Chimes |
Time | Sunset |
Rhodolite Caisson
"Step out of line, I DARE you..."

Race | Alexandrian / Synthetic Cybernetic Xeala |
Gender | Male, He/Him |
Age | 38 |
Height | 7'6'' |
Job | Solution 9 SWAT Officer |
Aka | Roto |
Nature | Violent, Vicious, Drugged, Angry, Feral |
Affinities | ????? |
Features | While his body may have originally been that of a normal humanoid Alexandrian, the joining of stars lead him to heavily modify his body with cyber tech to look like a xeala. |
Notes | Very rarely will you ever find this man not on some sort of drug/substance. |
Likes | Violence, Blood, Modifications, Drugs |
Dislikes | Not getting what he wants |
Theme | TBA |
What happens when something goes wrong in the city of neon lights? When the criminals are too much for the
Animal | Lion |
Flower | Rhododendron |
Element | Fire |
Colour | Neon Red |
Instrument | Electric Guitar |
Time | Midnight |
Ashwin Vincent
"After you die, make sure they bring your body to me..."

Race | Hyur (Midlander) |
Gender | Male, He/Him |
Age | 39 |
Height | 5'8'' |
Job | Mortician (And Black Market Seller) |
Aka | The Twisted Mortician |
Nature | Easily Irritated, Intelligent, Messy |
Affinities | Kane, Agni, Azamald, Eden, Szael |
Features | Prosthetic pinky on his right hand, multiple scars on his face and body, sewn on purplish left arm. |
Notes | Always willing to take on black market style work. Owns and operates the best mortuary in Ul'dah. |
Likes | Experimenting with the mortal humanoid body, testing the limits between life and death, being paid. |
Dislikes | Lucky Blackthorne, being kidnapped. |
Theme | TBA |
Working as a mortician in the great city of Ul'dah has its ups and downs. There are lots of clients, for better or worse. Some days it keeps him busy but others he likes to work on... Personal projects. He has a long standing contract with Azamald for continued work
Animal | Vulture |
Flower | Delphinium |
Element | Fire |
Colour | Cream |
Instrument | Bells |
Time | Afternoon |
Izumi Uchida
"Speak to me like that again and Ill cut you up for dinner..."

Race | Aura (Xeala) |
Gender | Male, He/Him |
Age | 28 |
Height | 7'2'' |
Job | Master Culinarian |
Aka | The Cannibal Cook |
Nature | Professional, Coy, Flirtatious, Psychotic |
Affinities | Agni , Azamald , Eden , Szael , The Spiders |
Features | Pure white hair that is always perfectly styled, very professional and clean appearance, slim rimless glasses. |
Notes | Is commonly refered to as a 'player' due to his extensive list of one night stands and ignored texts. |
Likes | Cooking, being desirable, tasting blood. |
Dislikes | Being told how to cook, people chasing after him, if someone calls him 10 times. |
Theme | TBA |
From a nobody to one of the best chefs in all of Eorzea, this man has cooked for all the most important clientelle. While he does have a restaurant in Kugane that he works for, there is also the availablity of getting this private chef all to one's self for an evening. Just make sure to watch your back. This xeala is not afraid to experiment with ingredients, and you may end up on the menu next.
Animal | Polar Bear |
Flower | Mountain-laurel |
Element | Earth |
Colour | White |
Instrument | Cello |
Time | Dusk |
"I will deliver them to the aetherial sea..."

Race | Aura (Xeala) |
Gender | Male, He/Him |
Age | 39 |
Height | 7'4'' |
Job | Wandering Reaper |
Aka | The Black Mist, Noire |
Nature | Professional, Gentlemanly, Quiet |
Affinities | Jianyu , Celeste |
Features | Long obsidian black hair with purple tips. White eyes with bright purple rings. |
Notes | Always willing to take on a job hunting demons or voidsent creatures. |
Likes | Camping, rules / structure, his family, tea. |
Dislikes | Disappointing people, public displays of affection, coffee, needing to rely on others for anything that he could do himself. |
Theme | TBA |
This wandering reaper is not here to hurt you. He is offering aid. For low, or even no payment at all, Noire is willing to expel the demons plaguing your life. As long as he is fed, there is no reason why he would refuse. It is rare to find this man without a strange blonde hyur traveling with him.
Animal | Snake |
Flower | Ghost Orchid |
Element | Earth |
Colour | Violet |
Instrument | Kalimba |
Time | Night |
Lavena Blackthorne
"Come on, don't you want to see a magic trick...?"

Race | Aura (Xeala) |
Gender | Female, She/Her |
Age | 22 |
Height | 4'9'' |
Job | Exotic Dancer and Magician |
Aka | The Gilded Magician |
Nature | Bubbly, Curious, Inquisitive, Intelligent |
Affinities | Temujin, Artemis, Azamald |
Features | Shimmering tanned skin, glowing gold eyes, perfectly applied makeup. |
Notes | She is almost always found in little to no clothes, being extremely confident in her self image and body. Will try to prank you. |
Likes | Gold, jewelry, quality textiles, pranking. |
Dislikes | Boring people that wont allow her to have fun with magic, having to remember things that she deems unimportant. |
Theme | TBA |
There is nobody on this star that knows how to abuse magic for funny pranks quite like this xeala. Durring the day, this little lady runs a magic shop, selling any assortment of magical components and instruments that one might need. By evening time though this sultry woman turns into a mistress of the night. She works as an exotic dancer, to enthrall and captivate any who may fall into her lure.
Animal | Jackal |
Flower | Alstroemeria |
Element | Water |
Colour | Gold |
Instrument | Harp |
Time | Sunrise |
"Pain is the ultimate pleasure..."

Race | Elezen |
Gender | Male, He/Him |
Age | 38 |
Height | 6'2'' |
Job | Tattoo / Body Modification Artist and Piercer |
Aka | Sin |
Nature | Dark, Optimistic, Masochistic |
Affinities | ??? |
Features | This tall elezen is covered nearly head to toe in black tattoo art, his body a canvas. As an accent to the art, he is covered in MANY piercings, some not even visible with clothes on. |
Notes | Enjoys the act of inflicting pain on others and on himself. Most of his life is led in deviancy, smelling constantly of blood and cologne. |
Likes | Pain, art, black, men taller than him. |
Dislikes | Weak people, germs, animals. |
Theme | TBA |
Sadistic, masochistic, absolute deviant. This elezen started an underground tattoo shop, making his money in all sorts of modifications to the body. His favorite clients are ones that go far past the borders of what we deem to be 'normal'. Pushing further, going into the realms of things unseen.
Animal | Fox |
Flower | Black Bleeding Heart |
Element | Air |
Colour | Ink Black |
Instrument | Lyer |
Time | Night |
Suki Oshidari
"Come on, I know you have a secret for me..."

Race | Sea Dragon Auspice |
Gender | Female, She/Her |
Age | ????? |
Height | 5'5'' |
Job | ????? |
Aka | Four |
Nature | Curious, Sinister, Amused, Happy |
Affinities | ????? |
Features | Fin like ears and tail, duo colored scales |
Notes | Will poke her nose into any business that she is not meant to be involved in. Especially that of those she knows. |
Likes | Secrets, gossip, 'tea'. Whatever you call it, she loves to hear about it. |
Dislikes | People touching her without her consent. Its a quick way to get on her shitlist. |
Theme | TBA |
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Animal | Koi |
Flower | Lotus |
Element | Water |
Colour | Coral Red |
Instrument | Chimes |
Time | Morning |
Pyxis Stellaris
"I will follow in the stars to my destiny..."

Race | Viera |
Gender | Trans Male, He/Him |
Age | 24 |
Height | 5'6'' (In humanoid form) |
Job | Senior Student at the Ishgardian Astrologian College |
Aka | The Northern Star |
Nature | Softspoken, meak, gentle, shy |
Affinities | Kuvaal |
Features | The small viera wears his brunette locks in a messy fashion, framing his face and bringing out the soft blue of his eyes. |
Notes | His long lop ears are exceptionally sensitive. Freckles spatter across his body in ways that make natural constellations. |
Likes | Homemade food, his mom, being spoiled. |
Dislikes | Rude / mean people, school, violence. |
Theme | TBA |
Born into a family whos very lives are centered around the stars, it was a natural draw for Pyxis to find himself studying the mystical art of Astrologians. Its the rebelious side of him, however, that comes to find himself on a massive ship that holds many illegal activities on its deck.
Animal | Rabbit |
Flower | Queen of the Night |
Element | Ice |
Colour | Baby Blue |
Instrument | Guitar |
Time | Night |
Sylvestre Deiagnus
"History must be preserved at all costs..."

Race | Miqote |
Gender | Male, He/Him |
Age | 33 |
Height | 5'8'' |
Job | Conservator Restorer and Braille Translator |
Aka | The Blind Cat |
Nature | Professional, Intelligent, Soft-Spoken |
Affinities | Grey, Izanami. |
Features | Half black and half white hair and eyes, though his eyes are completely blind. He has 0% vision. |
Notes | His fingers can often be seen with small bandages around the tips, being a bit accident prone and used to just patching up quickly before getting back to work. |
Likes | Helping others, translating books, being loyal and selfless. |
Dislikes | Being told he can't do things due to his disability, when people yell or scream. |
Theme | TBA |
Sylvestre lives his life for two purposes. To help translate all the tomes of historical knowledge into braille copies, and to serve the man he has come to know as Grey. His god. For what is he but a lamb of god?
Animal | Lamb |
Flower | Bleeding Heart |
Element | Water |
Colour | White |
Instrument | Flute |
Time | Morning |
Eden Williamson
"And what sort of equity do you have for me...?"

Race | Aura (Xeala) |
Gender | Nonbinary, They/Them |
Age | 35 |
Height | 4'10'' |
Job | Financial Advisor and Accountant of Blackthorne Industry |
Aka | The Gillionaire Maker |
Nature | Professional, Intelligent, Very Sharp |
Affinities | Azamald , Lucky , Verali / Cinna, Ashwin , Szael The Spiders |
Features | Though this one may be small, you are best to stay clear of their path. They will make a profit, no matter what. |
Notes | Can be taken as very abrasive, but they simply don't want to waste their time with things that won't produce effective results. |
Likes | Wine, making money, delivering results. |
Dislikes | Losing revenue. |
Theme | TBA |
Unless you are willing to fork over your wallet, this xeala likely wants nothing to do with you. They have a reputation as one of the most cutthroat financial councils out of anyone on the star, and gods be damned do they deliver.
Animal | Lioness |
Flower | Spider Chrysanthemum |
Element | Fire |
Colour | Blood Red |
Instrument | Saxophone |
Time | Dawn |
"Yes, I have a forked tongue. Stop asking..."

Race | Half Elezen Half Ananta |
Gender | Male, He/Him |
Age | 37 |
Height | 6'3'' |
Job | Circus Performer and Smuggler |
Aka | The Viper |
Nature | Charismatic, Flirty, Straight Forward. |
Affinities | Sai, Azamald, Eden, Szael. |
Features | Skin his covered in patches of scales with a stunning emerald sheen to them. |
Notes | Can commonly be found handling one (or more) of his nearly five dozen snakes. |
Likes | People fawning over him, women, indulging in drugs and booze. |
Dislikes | Stalkers. |
Theme | TBA |
The snakes that surround this man are like family to him, each with a unique name and personality that take center stage when he performs at the carnival. The art of being on stage came naturally to the man, only taking a brief break from it to earn some extra coin on the side.
Animal | Snake |
Flower | Gardenia |
Element | Earth |
Colour | Emerald Green |
Instrument | Tambourine |
Time | Afternoon |